
Cage bird by Maya Angelou

The free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wings in the orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky. But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing. The caged bird sings with fearful trill of the things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and he names the sky his own. But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. Read other poetry from this blo


Waiting for a marathon quest; Feasting on every page gallery; Holding up to the wandering gaze  In ecstatic pleasures. Wanting nothing but wit  In its purely refined form undilute. Yet, it all seems like stargazing Forgetfulness another gazing   Guest we've welcomed quietly Even solid relics are now antics I read; you read; we've burnt the night adroitly, When our eyelashes clap tirelessly before resting. How, how can we sail on our utopic cosmos ? How, how can we? How can we manoeuvre our errors quest, When all pathways are made of steel maze; When our sensory power house suffocates, Bleeding floods to cool its tensed nerves. How can we, you unruly child? Now, Let's hold hands no more,  As your romantic journey ends with me. Forgive our unborn treasure Whose pride I've hoped to guide privily From your seductive gaze Till you die in desolate . Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read  Previous post  from same poet. Next post Photo credit: pexel


 My lamp of love burns for you; thou host of morning shine. who satisfy all flesh a new  giving love in exchange for pew. you are Yeshua, my friend and king Yeshua, thou sagacious king of men  comfort my spirit; soul; and death in that mansion soiled with breath  that speaks symphony and fun mighty Yeshua, my friend and king  Melt my spirit today and forever.  lighten my suffering heart in that voices of yours salute my nothingness in  grace and service listen not to my mundane plead when it comes  oh! my Yeshua, my friend and king. Ayeni Taiwo  ©2022 Read weather for Two Next post Image by pexel

Weather for two

The Antarctic guest bangs my doorpost  Icy air, frozen breath, skinny wet. Gaining mountainous feet  Before bolting in for a bodily rite Sipping every comfort in freezy bite Her coming whiffs sold my warmth For magic soul match washed forth Of a meekly birth As my famished skin seek a companion A solid soul in melting union Now, thou unknown warrior of first sight See-through wishes this night Find me a courageous knight  Fit enough to shelter my weary feet On Whose arm ameliorate my prolific seat. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022.   Previous post Photo by pexel next pos t Footnote:Read The night rain has fallen and the weather folds its warmth homeward. I can't shield my lonely skin alone; I need a companion.

Life at 22

The panic of geminating age Angers the mounting desired sage Of bittersweet years swum On the facade of earth waters Filling every benchmark of missed trophies. The taste of primitive success hops  ceaselessly, Flouting the worldly pen Standard in light of favoured tropes making the soft momma's cheek drenched As I drink from her endless eulogies; Papa's thumb hit the soft spot The little red ink stained my bed  With sorrowful pun of happy and sad Motion the dripping tears watered The earth milk villa, enjoying each drop Until the morning light set up Swallowing the mist feast for a level pop. Age clocks struck 12 filled with dreams  It strode towards 16 fishing the world tales  Then at 19 basking the profile of the status  Till 20 came with test and service  Now the restless tick-tock beats the 22 chimes Recounting season and times. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read other exciting poem from the same poet here View Previous post

Sorry, earth

We have hosted men of delight  With hands of gold and  adroit Colossal heads of invented saint And company of sinister fellow Our day has sucked the night And the night swallowed by the sun Speaking of the Sodom myth seat  Laying ego of flagged song Yester amelioration shed our pants Now, we don't dream of our nirvana seas Now, we are beaten by your plague Not anymore you foster child of vanity  We've  grown wings  Our heart has received suits  We now ride in ceaseless praise We've set sail for a new eternity Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read also Life  At 22 Photo by pexel Previous post

The she-idol

  Words made Lillie's ornament For your blessed feet monument Tinkles sounds of joy forte Dancing on every soul and moon  For your enigmatic fame You are sculpted by Him  Your soul maker, birth in his prime Favoured beyond mirror chime For on your lips he adores sweets name As sets of record wit.  Why not smile a bit  And make the moon bite and sit The night darkness shine Paving ways for fantasy lite A word architect, rider of truth You are a damsel of light with Virtues far beyond space and earth She is a she-lord and woman of pious wealth. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 For Christian ...🤗 Photo credit: pexel Read sorry earth . Previous post