
Showing posts with the label Àgbojẹdí


The Nigeria popular herb, Àgbo, can  either be used purely or with gin. The one used ordinarily works equally and effectively as that of the gin mixed. However, the drunk prefer the alcohol mixed drink to the ordinary just as to derive their alcoholic pleasure rather than healing. Same, ideology sink into many countries political system where the newly elected political leaders are expected to be a cure to the previous ones, instead they are more of a headache than a cure. Follow through the poem to unfold more mysteries.  "Agbo ti de!" He chimes his bowl Summoning the host  Of unseen souls into doom "We prevent your illness But kill the soul; We are the bitter sweet seller"  Come buy doom!  Come buy Agbojedi!! "Agbo ti de!" He needs your soul  Since you worship pleasure He brings to you this in leisure  To heighten your mystery In the cool sea of alcohol. "Jẹdi ni, jẹdi gidi!.(it's gedi, it's the original) We don't sell hope; we exchange