Freezy Morn

The cold is pampering my gentle skin Piping my seized breath Away from warming snow As the refrigerator would To preserve my lacerated bones a stick That race endlessly without a rival My teeth dance naked to an unheard beat Swinging its white crystals in shattered joy Hurrying to glance through all frozen arm And lukewarm tears which Streams like a foreign guest to my stock body Afflicting my tormented skin anew Blending every region into an antarctic station Taiwo Ayeni ©2022 Brief analysis Four seasons birth the circle of a year; the summer season, the winter,the autumn or fall and the spring. Each season with their effect on nature and human in its. As for this poem, it concerns itself with the aesthetics and soft pampering of the winter call. The prevailing imagery metamorphosis the visual imagery ( as refrigerator would) and tactile imagery ( pampering my gentle skin ) to recreate the effect of winter chilling that romance the poet skin, "blending every re...