
Showing posts with the label The call

The call

photo credit: His still voice awakens our burden mist Out of its overstayed fast Even our weary feet Seized to tarry any yonder without Its masters sitting in His steadfast court Praising our thirsty effort Forth in a glory call READ HELLO AUGUST    His call, Our first sermon harvested from a fertile soil awaiting fetish word Galloping every wasted dream   Panting,           racing,                     praying and seeking Endlessly As our days of sobering is dead And a new gate of patience is here   The glory of our latter Will surely be greater than the former; The gate of our locked seed will be opened For bountiful ripe   Scaling through all uncouth sky Bowing all frustrated honor With royal glamour Setting our light high   Yeshua shall set us all right Pouring on us endlessly His ceaseless light For our brighter glory delight Even forsaken for us to be the elect READ:  SUNDAY MORN     We shall shine