Independent chant- fountainarena

 Have you ever wondered if Nigeria was an animal character?

O! What an amiable one she would be.
She would detest the vulture and embrace the hen.
Her claws won’t feast on her own 
Those eyes will bulge only to protect and not to devour 
Her walls would shield and not grow wings to fly.
She would be an eagle;
Not a predatious one.
She would possess a tenacious vision;
With defiant strength,

We are wishing Nigeria a happy celebration...

She would soar through the clouds of intimidation and oppression;
And fearlessly pitch her tent at its peak.
She would jealously guard her own, and nurture her young for a sparkling future
O! Imagine Nigeria to be an animal character again.
She won’t be like the crab
detesting the other;
Waxing their pincers in disunity.
She would imitate the ants! 
cooperation and love would be her colour.
In wisdom, she would seek the growth of her people.

Read leap2me

The bold would shield the weak.
She won’t scatter but gather for her own
Her strength won’t fail her;
She isn’t one but a colony, 
Together she would thrive, 
She would soar,
Nigeria would Rise
A rise to Soar and thrive 
Happy Independence Day!

Favour Augustine

Read other poem from this blog


MojoyinolaJesu said…
Amazing! GOD BLESS YOU MA! Nigeria will Rise!
Anonymous said…
Nice write up
Anonymous said…
Amen. Thank you so much ma 🥰
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much.

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