The prey


Front page has recorded our names.

Calling on every ages and sames;

Even our hunted males .

For monthly food lames.

We've been served fat,

Rich in wealth of mucor and salt,

Garnished for their gluttonous fill

Not a game but for fame.

Ghosting our daily bread 

In exchange for famished tears 

Covering the ground in raining fears 

Our cold heart seeks of a restorer of years

We are their scorn,

The scorn is disgust,

The disgust is employed,

The employed is paid,

The paid becomes their prey.

Ayeni Taiwo


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Photo credit: pexel


Ayeni Taiwo said…
The prey is a metaphor for 'the masses' whose dream have been trampled upon by corrupt belly-full predator (the ruling class).
This poetry is a voice that calms the masses and sheild the heart closer to reality and how to survive through it.
Anonymous said…
More wisdom bro, keep it on

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