

Mother, The gift of nature to MANkind; giver of joy of all kind; bearer of hope and classless band. Mother,  the uncoach musician, on whose mouth flows soft symphony that lures my lagging eyes to rest. Mother, the mirror of my being, the goddess of my world, the warrior without a shield. Click  to read she-idol Thou, crafter of timeless spell, a bound carriage of cryptic cell whom traveller of paradise sought. Mother, in thy eyes are written chronicles records of untold ode. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Photo credit: pexel Tap to read more poems read previous post

He who owns all soul

  He who owns all souls; Comfort me still , Melt my wounded spirit , Inspire my wandering heart. He who owns all souls  Make my sun  blue and gold  Built in your vineyard  Filled with a desire against the world. He who owns all souls; Save my suffering eyes  To see your merciful sides  In comforting mounting cries. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read: Other poetry from this blog previous post  Photo credit: pexel

The prey

  Front page has recorded our names. Calling on every ages and sames; Even our hunted males . For monthly food lames. We've been served fat, Rich in wealth of mucor and salt, Garnished for their gluttonous fill Not a game but for fame. Ghosting our daily bread  In exchange for famished tears  Covering the ground in rain ing fears  Our cold heart seeks of a restorer of years We are their scorn, The scorn is disgust, The disgust is employed, The employed is paid, The paid becomes their prey. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Previous post  Click here to read other poems from the same author previous post  Photo credit: pexel

The waiting rain

The light is darken  Sending blind chill around  As the waking rain harken It's cool morning wash Cleaning every swollen face  In a future call Forgetting every past seasons Waiting as the coming of harvest We unloads our burden birth Ayeni Taiwo ©2022   Read next poetry  from Ayeni Taiwo  Photo credit: pexel Read previous post  

The sky rose to meet me

The sky rose to meet me courtesy of furnished hope  hanging above in  mer'ment slope on a new found shelter  memes of delight has gladiates  the forgotten Sue fortunes genes full of ravishing stars  before the folk diets replete of curiosity bargain  as we feast the night again I search the stars tentacle for leads to my lost nirvana but in my dubiety I heard the sky symphony uttering the bounty of the day phony Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Photo credit: pexel Now  Read more  poetry from this poet View previous post


the springs of doubt pants  aloud in my forgotten itches  causing every moist skins weeps for miscreant fames scenes the scorching pain has founds Einstein tools  taking merry for bitter funeral  in a cluster thought of thought  bubbling up  amidst saving cage of freedom weak cells saves no room to wisdom one time it stops  another times it rains  clearing all tracts  as we walk the life paths. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read  next post Previous post  Photo credit : pexel

bone of spoken birth

bone of spoken birth natured in a morning scent monk of unusual set sought to make a cool breathe to sustain shaky winking sight. selah! a voice I heard In the modern hunt accused an aftermath hazy sage court  spoken by a young burly cot tied for a clashing whites nail of the mouth court Selah! why this cot? why not a heritage lot? why Joseph flee learned? when hills are mounts and mount are hills we long for each other's embrace As the brotherhood bone speaks again. strings of my root unclad  from world savagery band be mine and I forever be glad. Ayeni Taiwo ©2022 Read next post Photo credit: pexel Previous post